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Welcome to the Temple Sholom archives page 

The actual archives collected over the past few years contain records that cover most the the hundred year history of our congregation. We have the largest archives for any individual Reform congregation in the state of New Jersey and our finding aid provides a unique access to our records. The archives are stored in the archives closet at the Temple and are available to all Temple members upon request. They are not digitized but the finding aid can be accessed below and searched to find the box and folder for everything in the archives. In addition, we have provided a varied selection of photos and other scanned documents below selected from the archives..

To access the archive finding aid  click here.


Photo Gallery from the archives

Homes of Temple Sholom

From Grove St. and 7th Avenue in Plainfield to Lake Avenue in Scotch Plains


100th Birthday

A special event in the history of Temple Sholom -November 2013


Confirmation Classes

 . Confirmation classes from 1915  to present


Past Presidents

Images of past presidents cover over 100 years




Archives Texts

A small selection of archives texts


Fri, February 7 2025 9 Sh'vat 5785