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Streaming services

Friday Evening Shabbat Services

You are invited to join us for Shabbat evening worship in one of three ways: Participating onsite in our sanctuary, connecting online via Zoom through this link, or watching the live stream (see below for instructions).

Friday September 6 - 7:30pm Kabbalat Shabbat - Welcome back and join us for our weekly Shabbat service - our Cantor and Rabbi lead meaningful worship, a Torah reading, and a chance to take a break from the rest of the week. After the service, there are cookies. Shabbat Shoftim

Friday, September 13 - 7:30pm Kabbalat Shabbat - Our Cantor and Rabbi lead meaningful worship, a Torah reading, and a chance to take a break from the rest of the week. After the service, there are cookies. Shabbat Ki Teitzei

Friday, September 20 - 7:30pm  Kabbalat Shabbat - Our Cantor and Rabbi lead meaningful worship, a Torah reading, and a chance to take a break from the rest of the week. After the service, there are cookies.Shabbat Ki Tavo

Friday, September 27 - 6pm - Sunset Kabbalat Shabbat - Our end of the month service starts earlier, begins with a family-friendly nosh (at 5:30) and includes musical instruments. Shabbat Nitzavm-Vayeilech

7pm - Shabbat of Transition: Remembering Paula Grossman - Following services, we'll remember Temple Sholom congregant Paula Grossman with guest speaker, ?, and special guest, .

Saturday Morning Shabbat Worship

You are invited to join us for Shabbat morning worship in one of three ways: Participating onsite in our sanctuary, connecting online via Zoom through this link, or watching the live stream (see below for instructions). All Saturday morning services begin at 10am.

Saturday, September 7 - 10am - Shabbat Shacharit services led by B'nei' Mitzvah - Jacob & Lauryn Dankin

Saturday, September 14 - 10am - Shabbat Play & Pray - for families with children aged 0 to 5 - an engaging Shabbat experience with music, stories, prayer, instruments, and a parachute - with bagels, too.

11am - Torah Study - join us on Zoom as we discuss the weekly Torah portion - everyone is welcome. This week is parashat Ki Teitzei - Have you ever been excited and anxious about a change in your life? 

Saturday, September 21 - 10am - Shabbat Shacharit services led by Bet Mitzvah - Cecelia Blumenstock

Saturday, September 28 - 10am - Potluck Shabbat and Service - join us for an informal Shabbat shacharit service followed by a potluck brunch - bring something to share.

Upcoming B'nei Mitzvah

November 16, 2024 - Theodore Six
January 18, 2025 - Miriam Serna
March 8, 2025 - Lilah Prevost
May 17, 2025 - Sofia LaRosa
May 24, 2025 - Ryan Krugman
May 31, 2025 - Emma Lipsky
June 7, 2025 - Leelynn Juris
June 14, 2025 - Sean Isaacs
June 28, 2025 - LeeKate Herman

Online instructions for all services:

1) Connect and participate - You have the option to be seen by the other participants (and on the YouTube below), to see who else is on the Zoom part of the service, and to participate when invited.

Join: Follow the Zoom link (in blue above for the service you wish to join). Even if you have never used Zoom, you can use this link on a computer, tablet, or smartphone. Agree to the download and a window will open.  We ask you to stay muted through most of the service (Not only are background noises distracting, but it will make your video move to the featured position, instead of the service leaders.) 

View: You should have the choice of gallery (graphic of nine squares in a square formation) or speaker view.  Gallery gives you a "Brady Bunch" arrangement of many of the participants. Speaker view gives you a row of participants with the speaker featured in a larger square.  We recommend speaker view for the service. At times during the service, we will post slides with the prayers  At that time, the windows of participants will shrink to the side or top of your screen.

Chat: You can also chat with other participants through the chat feature - with all participants, or with specific ones in the pulldown tab.  Be careful which you select.  The service leaders may not be able to check messages sent to them during the service.

Video: You can toggle between being seen by others or not, with the video icon in the Zoom window.  It is usually next to the microphone icon that toggles whether you are heard or muted.

2) Watch - through the embedded YouTube viewer below you can watch the service that is being led remotely.  No one can see you, nor can the service leaders hear your participation, or see your comments in real time.  (The link should be live by a few minutes before the service. If the link is not working for you, try refreshing your screen, or closing your browser and re-opening it.)

You can find a collection of previous Temple Sholom services preserved on our YouTube channel - sholomnj.

Sun, September 8 2024 5 Elul 5784