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Confirmation Classes


                          Confirmation Classes of Temple Sholom

Classes up to 1979 below.  For 1980 and after PRESS HERE









                        1st Confirmation Class of 1915








                         Confirmation Class of 1920

Pictured:  Lester Moldetsky, Sophie Schloss, Goldie Berkowitz, Ruth Schwartz  and  Rabbi Ira Price









                          Confirmation Class of 1922

Pictured: Benjamin Tepper, William Schuldenfrei, Louis Schloss, Stanley Newman  and   Rabbi Lucas








                         Confirmation Class of 1928


There are no pictures for the following two years.


Sylvia Adelman; Gladys Campus; Carolyn Cypress; Alice Ginsburg; Florence Jasin Rita Marlow; Marjorie Newmark; Elinor Werblin


Ralph Slonim, Jr.; Jay Moskovitz; Evelin Schmidt; Sidney Marks

      For most of the 1930's the Temple had trouble keeping a Rabbi long enough to have a Confirmation class. Also, most families could not afford the cost of Temple membership nor the added cost of religious school. It is possible that there were other Confirmation classes since there are references to Confirmation students in religious school in some of the Board minutes during the Depression but no records exist of actual Confirmation Services.












                                      Class of 1943

Pictured: Ellen Leavy, Barbara Wolf, Robert Goldfarb, Naomi Sachar, Esther Borow and Rabbi Augustus Loeb

Naomi (Penny) Margoles, nee Sachar, said that although children were usually confirmed in their first year of high school, this group was confirmed a year earlier than usual.  Rabbi Loeb was going off to war and he wanted to see these children confirmed before he left.   As it turns out, he never returned to Temple Sholom.  He met and married a woman from the mid-west moved there and left the rabbinate.  Penny said that he was a wonderful rabbi and  was loved by all the children.










                          Confirmation Class of 1949

Lois Blume, Ruth Borsuk, Barbara Velinsky, Warren Koplowitz, BarbaraSpevack,Laura Potter, Margaret Rose Bernstein, Lois Kerschner   










                           Confirmation Class of 1951












                        Confirmation Class of 1952










                                        Class of 1953










                          Confirmation Class of 1954












                          Confirmation Class of 1955










                            Confirmation Class of 1956












                          Confirmation Class of 1957












                          Confirmation Class of 1959








                                        Class of 1960

Thanks to Johanna Marshall for providing the list of confirmands in the class of 1960: Lillian Blecher, Martha Cole, Darlene Diamond, Carol Gilbert, Gail Heyman, Leslie Israelsky, Barbara Kaye, Ronnie Kraftchick, Johanna Marshall, Mitzi Miron, Chere Rosall, Sheri Safran, Catherine Schwartz, Gail Winson, Lillian Weiner










                                     Class of 1961

Phyllis Levitt, Bernice Martin, Eileen Meshanik, Barbara Sashwith, Marilyn Sobel, Jacqueline Turner, Paula Yood, Daniel Gordon, Judith Armour, Perri Gail Becker, Alan Berger, Carole Bernstein, Barbara Gilbert, Donna Kugel, Julie Newert, Bari Rosen, Elinor Sobel, Susan Suzberg, Carole Vitiello









                                    Class of 1963









                                   Class of 1964









                                    Class of 1965

Gloria J. Bussell, Terry Kantor Jaffee, Anne Irene Leavitt, Dale Ane Swartz, Paul B. Dengrove, Joel D. Halprin, RIchard G. Tobey, Nancy Louis Gordon, Carol Anne Kraftchick, Lynn Carol Miller, Nina Sue Simkin, Kenneth Boyd Druse, Mark L. Rosenbaum, David H. Wiener.









                                       Class of 1966

Harry Dreier, Suanne E. Francis, Barbara F. Green, Gerry R. Gold, Marsha J. Hesse, Gary H. Kestenbaum, Julia C. Martin, Kathy Mechanik, Franceen E. Polski, Laurie S. Smith, Jeffrey A. Tobey









                                        Class of 1968

Leslie J. Allen, Cathy S. Arnold, Wendy L. Brandt, Gary R. Darwin, Joan S. Dengrove, Joan R. Fane, Mark E. Field, Bruce H. HOlz, Alison L. Jaffee, David C. Margolies, Barbara J. Miller, Ruth A. Simon, Richard A. Winokur, Nancy J. Zimelis









                                       Class of 1969

Amy C. Brams, Walda L. Ciafone, Jules R. Feiler, Lisa Beth Francis, William R. Gandler, Judy K. Klein, Arthur S. Nachr, Judy Schwartz, Ellyn W. Suffness, Ruth E. Wachtel, Nancy E. Winokur; Dr. Sindey E. Nathanson, Rabbi; Rabbi Edwin Schoffman; Mr. Syman Hirsch







                                        Class of 1970

Deborah E. Armm, Karen Blaustein, Carol S. Broad, Meredith I. Brown, Roberta M. Deutsch, David P. Gandler, Shelley L. Goldstein, Guy H. Grayson, Patricia J. Leflein, David C. Leimer, David L. Kipton, Debra L. Margolies, Patricia S. Rodman, Peter J. Shaw, Robin S. Shimel, Pamela L. Taylor, Sandra Tenney and Rabbi Sidney E. Nathanson and Education Director Benjamin Gastel







                                       Class of 1971

Laura Berton, Elaine Deutsch, Susan Fane, Ruth Firestone, Eve Glicksman, Paula Jacoby, Jacqueline Kalish, Gail Kaminsky, Bernice Kaufman, Ilene Kramer, Toni Moroz, Susan Nacht, Susan Sayer, Jana Singer, Judy Zimelis, Jay Field, David Lippe, Mark Umanski, Richard Umansky







                                      Class of 1973

Elyne Blaustein, Janine Drucker, Judith Glaser, James Goldbaum, Karen Heyman, Bruce Hirshfield, Steven Josephs, Bonnie Kaplan, Irene Kaufman, Mark Kaufman, Benjamin Liemer, Pamela Lippe, Carol Lipton, Shelley Richard, David Rosenblatt, Marshall Salowe, Rachel Scovronek, Susan Shaw, Neil Taitel, Barbara Tellerman, Laura Tenney and Mrs. Luna Kaufman, Rabbi Ronald Kronish







                                       Class of 1974

Gail Brown, Beth Gelfond, Jay Goldbaum, Gail Hahn, Geoffrey Kasher, Susan Liemer, Alan Lipton, James Marchack, Leslie Reis, Jodi Ricklin, Joshua Rosenblatt, Bradley Sutker, Linda Warshaw, Stacy Wissow







                                     Class of 1975

Scott Bryan, Amy Donner, Pamela Edelman,Carol Geller, Scott Holz, Tammy Jedel, Paul Josephs, Craig Lubin, Barbara Nacht, Judith Ostroff, Amy Sand, Judi Sherman, Debra Taub, Frederic Taylor, Robin Vogel, Benjamin Wilfond, Steven Willens







                                        Class of 1976

Robert H. Darwin, Alan M. Feldman, Gregory Feldman, Lori Beth Feldman, Judy Gelfond, Terri Lynn Geller, David Goldberg, Lisa Anne Kulick, Tracy Ann Moroz, Craig Pogosky, Linda Polinski, Donald H. Powell, Katherine Rachlin, Steven Shnur, Lori Frances Silverman, Paula L. Umansky








                                    Class of 1977

Natalie Lynn Atlas, Gloria J. Donner, Laurie Ellen Hanzbaum, Dan Gastel, Elizabeth E. Greenberg, Peggy Lynn Greenspan, Jane Rose Liemer, Lisa D. Mintz, Joseph B. Schwarz, Jeffrey D. Shapiro, Richard E. Vallers, Abbey Beth Warshaw, Robert J. Weiss







                                       Class of 1978

Neil Russell Blaustein, David Andrew Cohen, Richard Edelman, David Seth Goldman, Elizabeth Ann Greenspan, Gary Mark Hahn, Debby Jemmi Kaplan, Dana Kapner, Penni-Sue Mintz, Cindy Lynn Richard, Brian F. Ricklin, Laura Bell Sachar, Dawn Beth Siegal, Paul Jeffrey Umansky, Kevin Lee Willens







                                    Class of 1979

Cali Ruth Alpert, Laurie Ellen Blitzer, D. B., Joseph P. Cohen, Jodi Lynn Feldman, David P. Firestone, Jonathan M. Flanzbaum, Cindy Beth Glaser, Sharon Joy Goldschein, Lisa Joy Howard, Steve D. Potter, Elizabeth E. Powell, Richard Scott Weiss




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