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Mishpahka Program

Temple Sholom became the first synagogue in Union County, N.J., to adopt a voluntary membership contribution model, furthering our commitment to be an inclusive Jewish community.

“Mishpakha,” the Hebrew word for “family,” signifies the importance of congregants’ responsibilities to each other within the synagogue community.

Synagogues around the world have traditionally followed a structured dues model, requesting that members contribute a specific monetary amount to maintain the congregation. By moving to a voluntary dues structure, members are encouraged to contribute in each of four components in ways that make the most sense to them, with the understanding that individual
members have different talents, resources and financial means to support the synagogue family.

Temple Sholom’s Mishpakha Program's four key components:

  1. Volunteerism
  2. Social activities
  3. Religious practice
  4. Financial support

The program is designed to ensure that all congregants are respected for and comfortable with their contributions to the Temple, which may include involvement in its religious school, or volunteering on one its committees and auxiliary groups.

Temple Sholom’s doors are open to anyone who wants to join but may have felt uncomfortable with a previous structured dues program.

To learn more about Temple Sholom’s Mishpakha Program, please call 908-889-4900.

Sun, September 8 2024 5 Elul 5784