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  • 		                                		                                <span class="slider_title">
		                                    Welcome		                                </span>
		                            <span class="slider_description">Temple Sholom is a Reform Jewish congregation that aspires to create a warm and caring atmosphere, one that fosters inclusiveness and community and welcomes to all who wish to meaningfully participate in our Jewish community. Come see what we're all about.</span>
  • 		                                		                                <span class="slider_title">
		                                    Worship With Us		                                </span>
		                            <span class="slider_description">Shabbat is a time of joy. We celebrate either the week that we have just passed through, or the opportunity for rest and renewal. We come together as a congregation to fashion our individual prayer into a chorus</span>
  • 		                                		                                <span class="slider_title">
		                                    Our History...Our Home		                                </span>
		                            <span class="slider_description">Revisit the history of Temple Sholom, from our humble first synagogue on Grove Street to our new, modern Temple in Scotch Plains... and more than 100 years of milestones in between!</span>



Junior Choir


Saturday, February 1st
White Elephant Auction

Saturday, March 1st
Casino Night

Read the December issue of Temple Topics


Our community gathers for Shabbat both onsite in our sanctuary and online. For more details and links to connect to worship services online, please visit our Streaming Services page.

Friday services are at 7:30pm
(unless otherwise noted)

Saturday services are at 10am


Jewelry Sale Fundraiser

Custom-designed, hand-crafted necklaces to support Temple Sholom, these unique, upcycled pieces were donated by popular Artisan Fair vendor, 7 Artisan Street. 100% of the proceeds go to Temple Sholom. Shop now!


Consider a legacy gift to
Temple Sholom

Your generous legacy gift to the Temple Sholom Endowment will help ensure the future success and prosperity of Temple Sholom for generations. Learn more about this wonderful program.


Religious School


Video prayer library

Students can use the video prayer library to master prayers they're learning in Hebrew school. Watch Cantor Sharlein following the Hebrew while reading & chanting Temple Sholom style. Ask school staff for the student login.



Jewish Education at Temple Sholom is an effort among educators, parents and students to make Judaism part of who we are. We embrace making educated Jewish choices that add meaning and holiness to our lives.
Overview of our program




Temple Sholom Annual Appeal Status

Click here to add your donation


Temple Sholom receiving the HIAS Award

Temple Sholom in Scotch Plains received the Pathways Leadership award from HIAS — formerly called the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society — for its work with refugees. The shul was among five in New Jersey and 50 in the United States to receive the award.


Midweek Meditation
Every Thursday 9:30am on Zoom

Women On Our Own
Every Sunday 3pm on Zoom

Adult Choir
Mondays 8:00-9:30pm

Please check our full calendar for more events

Sholom vs. Shalom

So, what’s the difference? Sholom is the less common English spelling of the Hebrew word שָׁלוֹם meaning peace and harmony. And much like our more unique spelling of Sholom, Temple Sholom is a special place that welcomes all who are seeking a meaningful connection to Judaism in a warm, close-knit Reform congregation with a down-to-earth vibe.

Building on our more than 100 year history, at Temple Sholom we pride ourselves on innovating for the future and offering a warm Sholom (or Shalom!) to all. 

Either way, there’s no place like Sholom!

Thu, February 6 2025 8 Sh'vat 5785